Willow Rockwell Retires

Olympic hopeful mountain bike racer Willow Rockwell has made her peace. One of the most successful female racers in the country, Durango-based Rockwell announced her retirement today, saying that she has put her focus on mothering her new baby, Raven Rockwell.
“After much soul searching, and many tears, I have decided to end my mountain bike racing career,” she said in a statement that was posted today on Bicycling.com. “I committed to racing for 2012 before having my child. There was no way I could have predicted the changes that have occurred within me. Thank you for your support during this time of intense decision and transformation.”
Rockwell, who is married to Trek World Racing downhill rider liaison Myles Rockwell, re-entered the racing arena this year at the season’s first World Cup race in South Africa after taking 2011 off during her pregnancy. She had been training only six weeks and finished 54th.
A big wake-up call for the new mom who said she felt like she’d lost her passion for racing and found a new passion for being a mom. On her blog, she was quite vocal about the intense stress this conflict was causing her—a conflict that is now a part of the past.
On her blog, she added, “My plans are to drink lemon water, take epsom salt baths, cry if I need to, write if I want to, soak up the sun, kiss my baby, make love to my husband, walk slowly, reach my arms to the stars and be thankful for all I have.”
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