WanderList: Where to Spend the End of Time

Good news: The Mayans did not, after all, predict the world’s demise in 2012. Newly discovered writings in Guatemala suggest that the ancient Mayans had a whole slew of calendars, many of which go well past 2012, according to a report in USA Today this week. Still, we think the hype makes the perfect excuse to head south for a Mayan-inspired vacation.
Countless resorts are trying to capitalize on the year of the Maya with kitschy specials. Instead, opt for a more authentic experience at Sandos Caracol Eco-Resort & Spa on Mexico’s Caribbean coast (all-inclusive packages from $94). The hotel has teamed with a local modern-day Mayan community to offer traditional cooking lessons, language lessons, tutorials in Mayan medicine with an herbalist, and spa treatments using traditional Mayan ingredients like indigenous Chaya plants, cactus, and aloe vera.
The resort also recently discovered ancient Mayan ruins on the property, accessible by a jungle path. With a beach out the front door and nearby hiking and biking trails, perhaps it wouldn’t be a bad spot to live out the end of days after all.
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