Video of the Week: #WildWomen Sarah Ridgway

Sarah Ridgway likes to run far—and deep into the backcountry. And, with over 10 years of experience running, racing, and mountaineering all over the globe, she’s won some of the toughest fell, mountain, and ultra-distance races in the UK, New Zealand and the U.S.
Today, Sarah is the principal guide and co-founder of Run Snowdonia, which offers training camps and guided running in Snowdonia, a region in north Wales and a national park of 823 square miles in size.
Get inspired by this passionate runner—one of the UK’s pioneers in guided fell running—with this video from Polished Project, which gives us a glimpse into Sarah’s spectacular world from their #wildwomen series featuring “ordinary women doing extraordinary things.”
What is Fell Running? Also known as mountain running and hill running, fell running in England is the sport of running and racing off road over upland country where the gradient climbed is a significant component of the difficulty. The name comes from the origins of the English sport on the fells of northern Britain. In the U.S. it is simply called trail running.
In fell races, contenders must possess mountain navigation skills and carry adequate survival equipment as prescribed by the organizer.
According to Sarah: Fell running and mountaineering have always been intimately linked. After all, fell running has its roots in the ‘Guides races;’ as the Victorian interest in mountaineering developed and the demand for mountain guides grew so did the demand for the best guides—a sign of status. Mountain Leader qualified fell runners make excellent guides because we know the terrain like the back of our hand; we are always looking for the most efficient, fastest or best ‘line’; we tough it out in all conditions and we get out alot!
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