Take 5: A Simple Yoga Breathing Exercise

The a capella group Mosaic’s “Take Five” performance (see video below) is a talented demonstration of breath control. If we could only break into a riff every time we needed to truly take five during the day, life would be easy.
Easy because all that oxygen coursing through our blood would help us feel more connected to our creative and compassionate self. Pranayama, the extension of breath, is a Yogic discipline practiced to absorb and distribute the vital life energy, also known as Prana. As we slowly inhale, our body is filled with life-giving energy. Then, as we slowly exhale, our nervous system begins to relax and our reactions to internal tensions soften.
The yoga breathing exercise below is very subtle. Yet, over time and with consistent practice, it becomes a very powerful tool for mental clarity, emotional balance, and physical health. Take Five and practice this yoga breathing technique throughout the day and before sleep. Make music through the cultivation of your own breath.
This simple breathing practice can be performed in five minutes—or up to five rounds.
• Sit upright in a comfortable position or lie on your back with knees bent, feet on the floor.
• Relax your abdomen and focus your attention there.
• As you inhale to a count of three, invite the belly region to fill up like a balloon in all directions with breath.
• As you exhale, slowly extend your breath to a count of three so that your abdomen naturally releases all the air out.
• Repeat…
—Joy Kilpatrick
Joy Kilpatrick relocated to Durango’s natural, wild beauty in 2010 from the glossy, frantic pace of LA. Playing and communing in the Southwest outdoors with her husband and daughter, along with gardening next to the Animas River and guiding others on the path of Yoga, is Joy’s Svadharma. Joy is a certified, registered Yoga Teacher and Thai Yoga Therapist as well as a Wholistic Fitness™ Trainer, LifeStyle Coach and Fitness Professional. Joy has also been featured in InStyle Magazine with Oscar Winner Marlee Matlin and has written and instructed “Quick Fix” Power Yoga DVD that airs on on Gaiam TV. Joy works privately with individuals as well as in group practices and teaches at YogaDurango. For more information about Joy, visit www.BreathWorksWithJoy.com.
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July 17th, 2013 at 10:35 pm
[…] Take 5: A Simple Breathing Exercise […]
July 25th, 2013 at 12:17 am
So nice article for breathing Yoga. Really worth reading :)