News: This is Your Brain on Yoga, Lindsey Vonn Drug Tested, and Best Body Parts

Yoga Brain: Want mental clarity? Then get off the gym treadmill and onto the mat. At least, so say researchers who put 30 female undergrads to the test in a newly released study that revealed that the women received greater benefits from 20-minute Hatha yoga sessions than from the same amount of time spent walking or running on a treadmill.
The study looked at the yoga versus treadmill results from 30 female undergraduate students at the University of Illinois. The university study involved a 20-minute progression of seated, standing, and supine yoga postures that worked different muscle groups—the session concluded with a meditative posture and deep breathing. On the treadmill, the women were each asked to maintain 60 to 70 percent of their maximum heart rate throughout the exercise session.
The women were better able to focus their mental resources after a yoga session. The study participants showed notable improvement in their accuracy on cognitive tasks after yoga than after the aerobic exercise session, after which most women showed no significant improvements in working memory.
Off-Season Drug Testing: While attending the swank Council of Fashion Designers Awards event last week in New York City, Olympic gold medalist skier Lindsey Vonn was steered off the red carpet and straight into the ladies room for a random but mandatory drug test conducted by the U.S. Anti-Doping Agency. The collected urine sample was sent to a WADA-accredited laboratory for analysis. “We appreciate her professionalism and for accommodating this process, which at times can be inconvenient,” USADA spokeswoman Annie Skinner told The Associated Press. No kidding—it couldn’t have been easy to aim for the cup while hiking up her floor-length, custom-made Cynthia Rowley white gown.
The Bottom Line: Lest you think we’re all about the derriere (see yesterday’s post on the Lucy Perfect Booty Pants), we wanted to share some statistics that herald the return of men who appreciate healthy, fit gams more than any other body part.
The highly curious online dating auction site surveyed 21,000 single men to get their pick for the fairer sexes’ most attractive body part. The results? More than one quarter of all respondents voted for legs, while 19 percent pointed to the derriere, and just 13 percent said that breasts were the most attractive body part. According to Brandon Wade, founder and CEO of, “Fit is the new skinny.”
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