News: Could Biking be Bad for Your Love Life?

It could if you position your handlebars lower than your seat, according to a new study recently published in the Journal of Sexual Medicine.
We all know the well-publicized downsides for male cyclists that spend an excessive time astraddle the bike saddle, but is this really a problem for we ladies now, too?
According to the study, of the 41 competitive cyclist test subjects, the 19 who rode bikes with relatively low handlebars had impaired genital sensation. On average, they experienced “significantly higher vibratory thresholds in the anterior vagina, compared with riders whose handlebars were level with the bike saddle,” according to Marsha K. Guess, MD, of Yale University, and colleagues who conducted the study.
Why does this happen? According to the researchers, low handlebars force the rider to exaggerate their forward lean, decreasing the trunk angle and increasing the pelvic tilt. Guess and her colleagues hypothesized that this position would put more weight over the perineum region relative to the ischial tuberosities. Who knew?
The study found that saddle design appears to contribute to the problem, but, as the researchers noted, how the riders actually sit on the saddle is probably the dominant factor.
The Bottom Line: While lower handlebars deliver better wind resistance and, thus, increased speed on the bike, the tradeoff may come later on in the bedroom.
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