Luscious Links: Good News for Cohabitors, China’s Yoga College, and the Perils of PE

Our favorite hits from the web this week include a piece in the Chicago Tribune on a new study that shows that couples who live together before marriage have the same rate of divorce as those who don’t. One factor that did increase the rate of divorce was having children before marriage.
An article in the Jing Daily revealed the details on China’s inaugural Yoga College, which intends to churn out instructors to feed the insatiable appetite of the country’s booming middle class. The College will offer a 36-month course training teachers in Hata Yoga.
Are you scarred from your high school PE classes? A newly released study conducted by the U.K.’s Women’s Sport & Fitness Foundation, says that many women are, which leads to a lack of proper exercise. It found that half of women are put off by exercise as they get older because of the way their PE classes were taught in school, according to articles on BBC and Marie Claire. The study revealed that girls didn’t like having their bodies on display, sweating in front of boys, and being involved in competitive sports. Many said they’d prefer more suitable PE activities such as dancing and roller skating as opposed to hockey or netball.
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