Luscious Links: ESPN Bods, Rêve-d Up, and Female-Dominated Olympics

> Our favorite weblinks this week include the visual feast served up by ESPN’s hot-off-the-press The Body Issue 2012. Brace yourself for some artfully presented but seriously buffed bods of both male and female athletes, including big-wave, Brazilian surf siren Maya Gabeira (shown here, photographed by Francesco Carrozzini).
> A pack of six women are riding a full day ahead of the Tour de France peleton. Seriously. To prove that women are strong enough to complete the full Tour de France course, six amateur female cyclists raising funds for the cycling advocacy group Bikes Belong took off from the 3,479-kilometer course start one day before the official launch of the Tour, which in its 99 years has never allowed women to compete. Check out The Rêve Project blog for up-to-date details.
> And, for the first time in history, the number of women competing on the U.S. Olympic team has actually outnumbered the number of men. According to The Huffington Post, the U.S. Olympic Committee released its roster for the London Olympics on Tuesday showing 269 women and 261 men. Just in time for the 40th anniversary of Title IX.
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