Luscious Links: A Skier-cum-Model, the Oldest Yogi, 10 Action Ladies, & Jody Foster on Water

The most luscious links from the web this week include a piece on ESPN on Sierra Quitiquit, the former Freeskiing World Tour competitor that recently signed a modeling contract and has already sauntered down catwalks and shot campaigns in far-flung locales for the likes of Nike, Adidas, and Fred Meyer. Her big break? A top rating at an audition for the show “America’s Next Top Model,” which she says her mother convinced her to pursue. A big leap for Quitiquit, who grew up living part-time in a van with ski bum parents. She plans to continue to pursue her competitive skiing career along with her work for
A piece in today’s New York Daily News reveals the world’s oldest yogi as Tao Porchon-Lych, a 93-year-old woman that teaches weekly classes in Hartsdale, NY. Recently named the world’s oldest yoga teacher by the Guinness World Records, this fit femme fatale has been teaching yoga professionally for 61 years. In her full 93 years, she’s also marched with Ghandi twice, worked as a model and actor, and performed burlesque. She says, “I’m going to teach yoga until I can’t breathe anymore then I’ll just fly away to the next planet.”
An article on Red Bull’s website this week named 10 of the most inspirational female action sports athletes, from skateboarders and motocross riders to track cyclists and downhill mountain bikers.
And, lastly, a new Jody Foster-narrated video from was launched on Mother’s Day; it celebrates the ways in which today’s water-challenged mother’s are helping their families.
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