Londin Winters’ Ski Season Workout

The leaves have turned gold and saffron and the snow has begun to fly, which could only mean two things for mountain lovers who recently purchased their ski season pass: It’s time to tune the gear—and the glutes with a ski season workout.
Lucky for us, fitness coach Londin Angel Winters—Founder of Metaphysical Fitness and author of, Loving Your Weight Off—just launched a new killer workout to help sharpen skiers’ physical and mental fitness, before the first snowflake.
Winters’ professional background spans across variety of physical and mindful practices. She’s mastered hypnosis and NLP (neuro-linguistic programming), has an extensive background in Tantra and Advanced Energetics, and worked as a Tier III status top trainer at Equinox Gym in Santa Monica, CA. Prior to championing Fitness Competitions, Winters also worked as an NBC News producer and won an Emmy and multiple Society of Professional Journalism awards—not to mention, she’s traveled all over the world as an Executive Producer of a travel network.
With her whirlwind of life experience, Winters can now help us. After checking out the Ski Season Prep Workout, we caught up with Winters to hear more about her inspiration, guidance and approach to mental-and-physical training:
WomensMovement: As a fitness instructor, what led you to blend mind exercises with physical fitness or body sculpting?
Londin Winters: I knew that the blend would work because I did it personally to win figure competitions. Also, I looked at what great athletes do who have million dollar contracts on the line. They do as much mental work as physical training. I always tell my clients, watch Kobe Bryant on the court. Is he checking his cell phone between plays? No, he’s powerfully focused. What if you approached your workout like that? Results are exponential. There’s powerful scientific data coming out in support of this. (I have lots of studies I can site if you are interested.) However, what really mattered to me was my own results, which I’ve created, from winning an Emmy to winning a fitness competition.
WM: How do you define meditation? And, what does it mean to apply meditation to physical training?
LW: I define meditation as any experience that drops me out of stress and into pleasure. This could be as simple as a deep cleansing breath or slow hip circles. It’s about dropping away from the ‘thinking mind’ that churns and churns, and connecting with the serenity and well-being that lies beneath. Monks do this by sitting still and disciplining the mind. Modern day women do this by accessing the powerful wisdom of their juicy, pleasure-filled bodies with dance and movement and joy. I always bring moments of this into all of my workouts so that we leave feeling whole, nourished and alive.
WM: How did you create the Metaphysical Fitness Ski Season Prep workout? And, who is the instruction intended to help?
LW: I created the workout based on my experience as a certified personal trainer (NASM), certified corrective exercise specialist (NASM) and master hypnotist with years of working one-on-one and leading group exercise. I created it to be perfect for various fitness levels and to be done anywhere (in a home or hotel) with minimal equipment.
WM: In an introduction to your new book, Loving Your Weight Off, released April 2015, you said that you had always struggled to maintain a healthy, content body weight. What enabled your alternative experience: letting go of self-deprivation and getting the body that you want at the same time?
LW: I hit rock bottom when I turned 38 years old. I couldn’t believe that I had been running with that pattern for 24 years! I realized that it wasn’t going to change on its own, so I dedicated all of myself to finding a way out. I decided that nothing would get in the way of me finding freedom with and from my body, food and diet. I set off on a mission and didn’t stop until I was free.
WM: What nutrition tips would supplement this ski season prep workout?
LW: Protein is important to build lean muscle tissue. Glutamine repairs and BCAA’s (branched-chain amino acids) protect lean muscle during cardio. Also, enzymes and probiotics are a baseline of good health, for sure.
WM: Do you have any additional tips to help women achieve success with this training routine?
LW: Sleep is key for muscle repair. Consistency is key. And, this workout should be done 3 times a week for best results.
To learn more about Londin Winters and her fitness approach, visit www.metaphysicalfitness.