Finding Inspiration in the People That We Love

Does life ever kick your ass? My grandmother passed away on New Year’s Day. Granted, she was nearly 89—and she had battled with Alzheimer’s for the past 5 years—but she was my friend, my confidante, my inspiration.
Throughout my life, she taught me the beauty of nature and wild places. She showed me the joy of camping and traveling to the country’s beaches, mountains, and National Parks. To me, she was the ultimate adventurer.
She told me not to be afraid and to chase after my dreams. For all of this I am forever indebted to my grandmother and my friend.
Her death slowed me down and when work became intensely busy and my five-year-old daughter had a dental emergency, I totally lost my passion for anything extra, like the late nights I sometimes put in on this blog. I put it on the back burner and let it stew for a while, as I tried to get my life back on an even keel.
Until this evening when I was mindlessly surfing the web and I ran across a story about Brazilian model and TV personality Andressa Urach. Formerly an outspoken advocate of plastic surgery, Urach recently went into septic shock and had to be put on life support after a botched surgery with injectable fillers for her thighs.
Can you imagine? While I sometimes long for my muscled mountain biking thighs to be leaner—and I head out for a few trail runs and yoga classes to lengthen and strengthen—never in about a quadrillion years could I imagine desiring fillers pumped into my God-given legs.
But beauty—and plastic surgery—is an addiction in Brazil (and here at home in the US). In fact, Brazil recently surpassed the United States in plastic surgeries, with 1.5 million procedures in 2013, according to the International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery.
I am so incredibly grateful to live in a place that values health, fitness, and natural beauty above all else. Where gorgeous thighs are earned (not bought) through early morning trail runs, bike rides with friends, and luscious yoga classes that leave you worked.
But I didn’t always live here in Colorado. In a past life, I was a magazine editor in New York City where the bounty placed on beauty was incredibly high.
I worked on photo shoots where models ate nothing but one apple all day and chain smoked like truckers. And then I lived through September 11th watching the towers come down from the clear view I had from the street in front of my Greenwich Village apartment—and later that same day saw women casually buying shoes in a Louis Vuitton store. That was a crystallizing moment. But that was the day that changed my life and made me, ultimately, drive West and not look back.
I am so thankful to my grandmother for instilling a feeling of natural beauty in me, which carried me through the urban jungle and out to wilderness where I truly feel free. I am so grateful that she inspired me to road trip West. I love that her sense of adventure is a part of me—this independence, this love of the trail, the woods, nature.
The vision behind has been, from the beginning, to empower women to get outdoors and experience friendship, fitness, adventure, and natural beauty. We eschew the plethora of women’s magazines that constantly focus on the idea that we all need to be better—losing 5 pounds, being better in bed, knowing what a man wants, etc. Our goal has always been to place the ultimate value on health, independence, personal empowerment, and beauty that comes naturally.
And, once again, that vision feels right, important, and worthwhile.
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