Mental Fitness: 5 Easy Ways to Reduce Stress

It’s 2:17am and my head is spinning. Thoughts are racing through my brain—the work I need to do on a huge new project, the taxes I need to organize, the exercise I desperately need. The clock marches forward, ticking to 3:01…3:35…4:11. I begin to stress about lost sleep.
Has this ever happened to you? Stress is only normal, but it affects many of us in some way—lost sleep, work disruptions, and poor food choices.
While we all recognize the problems with stress, many accept it as a part of life without taking steps to reduce it. According to the American Psychological Association, 83% of Americans don’t take measures to counteract the stress in their lives. But according to Don Joseph Goewey, author of The End of Stress, leaving stress unaddressed can lead to health problems plus eroding performance at work and home.
Ready for relaxation? Here are 5 strategies to reduce stress—straight from our anxiety-minimizing arsenal here at plus a tip offered up by stress guru Goewey.
1. Take 5
Find a peaceful place for a mini meditation to start each day in a relaxing way. Close your eyes, follow your breathing, and set the intention to have a good day.
2. Write it Down
When I can’t sleep and my personal list of things to do is racing through my brain, I get up and write the list down. Once the list is on paper, it’s out of your head.
3. Use Natural Products
Natural products can work like a charm to help you stress less, stay calm, and in control. Staples in my natural medicine cabinet include RESCUE Sleep Liquid Melts, which are highly effective at relaxing me back to sleep on those restless nights. I also stock a tin of RESCUE Pastilles both on my desk and in my handbag—they melt in your mouth to induce a calmer state and are easy and convenient. Both of these products are natural, homeopathic, non-habit-forming options that are gentle and safe. RESCUE products were originally developed by Dr. Edward Bach 85 years ago and today they are used by millions worldwide.
[Get a cool, stress-reducing coupon for RESCUE products here.]
4. Be Thankful
According to Goewey, research findings show that people who are grateful have higher levels of happiness, well-being, and creativity. He suggests increasing your gratitude by writing down 3 things you are thankful for just once a week at bedtime.
5. Hit the Floor
In times of high work stress, I extract myself from my desk chair and move to the floor for a simple yoga pose. Pigeon, fish (Matsyasana), and downward-facing dog are my go-to poses. Movement will provide a fresh perspective.
What do you do to manage stress? Share your best tips for busting anxiety both day and night!
I was selected for this opportunity as a member of Clever Girls and the content and opinions expressed here are all my own.
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