Got Grime? 5 Steps to Clean That Dirty Lid

My helmet stinks. After countless sweaty rides with no love at all, I tossed it in a bin for the winter.
And, upon pulling it out this week to meet the first sunny, warm days of spring, I couldn’t help but notice the smell. But I wondered: How to clean a helmet?
Will the pads get mucked up if I don’t remove them? Do I need to use special detergent? Hot water or cold? I had so many questions that I turned to some expert resources to come up with a list of the best ways to rid your lid of dirt, grime, and built-up sweat.
5 Tips: How to Clean a Helmet
1. Keep it Simple: Leave the pads in and simply give your helmet a good suds in the sink with a mild detergent (an all-natural laundry detergent or Woolite works well) and then rinse with cold water. Allow it to air dry. Easy peasy.
2. Deep Clean: For a deeper clean, suds your helmet up with a mild detergent and scrub it lightly with a very soft brush. Take care not to scrub off any desired logos or pads in the process. Rinse well with cold, clear water and air dry.
3. Shower Buddy: This may seem silly, but it’s also feasible to simply take your helmet into the shower with you after a particularly sweaty ride. Give it some love with a good, soapy wash and rinse cycle. Why not keep matters simple?
4. Quick Fix: If your helmet feels clean but you’d like to spiff up your straps, our friends at Eleanor’s NYC recommend putting a dash of Woolite in a small bowl, removing your helmet’s pads, and letting the straps sit in the bowl (while the helmet rests above it) for 10 minutes. Then, rinse the straps with cold water and let hang dry and reinstall the pads. Learn more here.

Photo: Courtesy Eleanor’s NYC
5. Get Padded: If your helmet still feels icky after all this washing, it’s time for new pads. Use the extras that came with your lid or contact the manufacturer for replacement pads.
Word to the Wise: Most helmet makers recommend replacing a consistently-used helmet every three years because sweat absorption and sunlight will eventually weaken its materials. If your lid is cracked or you’ve recently had a crash with it, it’s time to ditch it altogether.
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