Skier Sierra Quitiquit Shares Her 5 Go-To Energy Foods

From the runway to the big mountain, professional skier and model Sierra Quitiquit has a fast-paced, jetset lifestyle that happens to require excellent nutrition on the go.
Here, we catch up with Sierra to talk about life on the road and her go-to energy foods as a professional athlete and model. Here’s the list of energy food eats she swears by.
[p.s. Check out our coverage of Sierra’s recently released teaser for her fall film, How Did I Get Here.] What kind of relationship do you have with food?
Sierra Quitiquit: Raised in an incredibly weight-conscious generation and industry, I’ll be the first to admit that I’ve experienced my fair share of calorie watching. What I’ve learned is that it’s impossible to put a number on hunger, energy, and satisfaction. Food is joy, energy, and medicine.
Though amazing and gratifying, life as an athlete and model often involves a hectic travel schedule, with constantly changing climates and long days pushing my body to its limits. Taking care of my body by eating truly good-for-you foods has become my foundation to keeping energized, happy and healthy, whether on the slopes or in the studio!
WM: What are your go-to energy foods?
High-Fat Foods
Healthy fats are my first go to for energy and mental clarity. The human brain is composed of nearly 60 percent fat and thrives on a diet balanced in healthy fats. I like to start my day with gluten-free bread loaded with organic butter, Justin’s maple almond butter or avocado. Even a tablespoon of coconut oil in the morning can help clear away mental fog and give you lasting energy throughout the day.
Protein is the key to my sustained energy. Eggs, salmon, organic meats, lentils and nuts are all great sources of protein. I notice that without consuming at least 50 – 60 grams of protein a day, I find myself hungry and craving sweets. The combination of rice and beans are considered to be the perfect amino balanced protein—it’s also, delicious, inexpensive and high in fiber.
Dark leafy greens—kale, spinach, parsley and collard greens—are incredibly dense in nutrients. Likewise, the alkalizing properties of greens help to balance the often highly acidic diets we consume from coffee, alcohol, sugar and starches. I find greens to provide a notably grounding energy during stressful times.
I love beets. Beets are proven to increase the bloods concentration of nitrates—enhancing athletic performance by increasing oxygen rich blood flow to the muscles. Beets also have liver cleansing and anti-inflammatory properties. I make sure and include beets in my diet during my menstrual cycle as they are also high in iron and minerals.
These are the superfoods that I incorporate regularly in to my diet and can honestly say that I feel the effects either immediately or over the long run—spirulina is grounding, alkalizing and energizing; maca is an instant, sustainable boost of energy and helps athletic performance; nuts provide healthy fats to keep the skin healthy and the brain on point. Imlakesh Organics has the purest and best sourced superfoods I’ve been able to find.
Al things considered, rather than letting a book, number or even an article like this dictate what your mind tells your body to eat, I suggest listening to your body. Each person is unique in their genetics, heritage, blood type and energy output and therefore needs a unique combination of food to allow the body to function in homeostasis.
With respect, love and joy, allow your body to guide you towards the best options for you.
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