Raising the Bar on Gluten Free

Finally, after many yearning, hopeful trips to the bar aisle, we’ve found nutritional nirvana.

If you live in a gluten-free world like us, you likely know that quick-fix energy bars are typically packed with gluten-contaminated oats and other gluten-containing ingredients. Until now. Two newly released energy bar options present the intolerant, the allergic, and the avoiders with lip-smacking nutrition that also happens to be dairy-free and soy-free. We’ve taken both bars for a test ride.

Fruition Bars: The makers of the scrumptious and substantial PROBAR have debuted the gluten-free line of Fruition bars in such yummy flavors as Chocolate Orange, Lemon, and Blueberry. Each bar renders a full serving of fruit plus Omega-3-packed chia seeds. To get the job done in a gluten-free format, PROBAR changed over several of its manufacturing processes as well as its sourcing.

Our Take: Crafted of organic raw date paste, organic brown rice syrup, organic raw cashews, and raw chia seeds, Fruition bars have some real raw food nutritional cred. Not all ingredients are organic but the list is truly appealing—nothing scary or artificial here. The taste is sweet and fruity. At 160 calories per bar, this package lines up as a no-guilt, quick afternoon snack or an energy-boosting addition to your spring hike or ride.

Kit’s Organic Fruit & Nut Bar: The lovely, eco-oriented First Lady of Clif Bar, co-CEO Kit Crawford (wife of Gary), is also unveiling a line of organic gluten-free, dairy-free, soy-free bars called Kit’s Organic Fruit & Nut Bar.  Flavs include Chocolate Almond Coconut, Cashew, and Berry Almond. These bars won’t hit stores until June 12th.

Our Take: We like that the ingredient list is simple—organic dates, organic almonds, organic unsweetened chocolate, sea salt, etc. The taste is, as you might expect, a blend of sweet and savory. At about 190 calories per bar, Kit’s Organic Fruit & Nut Bars are also a perfect outdoor activity companion. These bars are definitely more nutty than the Fruition bars, so it depends on your mood. Because sometimes you feel like a nut—and sometimes you don’t.

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Erinn Morgan


After a 10-year career as an award-winning New York City-based editor launching and redesigning urban, style-driven magazines, Erinn Morgan left her downtown Manhattan digs after September 11th, 2001, in search of a less encumbered, freelance lifestyle. A life-changing, two-year-long trek around the country in a motorhome eventually landed her in Durango, Colo., which she now calls home. Her writing has appeared in numerous— More about this author →