Good Eats: Kale Salad Recipe

As far as we’re concerned, pop a poached egg on top of pretty much anything and you’ve got a winning dish. Which is why we’re partial to this healthy recipe for kale salad shared by celeb Chef Mark Estee from Campo Reno, a community eatery focusing on farm-fresh ingredients that’s located just down the hill from Lake Tahoe. Bon appetit!
Kale Salad Recipe
Julienne Dino Kale (Lacinto Kale, Calvalo Nero)
Poached Egg
Parmesan Crumble
Lemon Garlic Dressing
Kosher Salt
Fresh Pepper
For the crumble:
Heat oven to 300, line a cookie sheet with parchment or nonstick pad. Sprinkle with grated Parmesan cheese. Form a thin layer. Bake in oven until cheese melts and browns. Remove from oven and let cool. Break up as needed.
For the dressing:
1.5 oz fresh lemon juice
1.5 oz champagne vinegar
4 oz Grape seed oil
4 oz Extra Virgin Olive Oil
2 T chopped garlic
Kosher salt
Fresh black pepper
Whisk well.
In bowl toss julienne kale with salt and pepper. Add dressing and toss well. Add the parmesan crumble and toss again. Place in bowl and top with poached egg.

Campo Reno Chef Mark Estee
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