Get Fit: Spincast Cycling Downloadable Video Series

Our friends at Spincast have created a series of 6 rockin’, sweat-inducing cycling video workouts for “those times when you can’t train at altitude in Durango, Colorado with your favorite elite cyclist/coaches.”
The series features the standing-room-only, coveted, hardcore workouts of national champ Marisa Asplund, who mixes things up with bike, core, and yoga workouts. Marisa is accompanied by mountain biking pro and pro DJ Nick Gould (aka DJNiko).

Cycling National Champ Marisa Asplund
The downloadable video workouts feature expert instruction, inspiration, motivation, and “cattle prodding (where necessary).”
Check out Spincast’s Indiegogo campaign for more intel—and to score your very own set of this indoor workout series:
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