Gear: Suunto Ambit2 S Training Watch

Love multi-function training watches but dislike the bulk they can impart? There’s no doubt to the usefulness of GPS and training watches, whether you use them to track a run through the neighborhood hills or navigate a traverse in a wilderness mountain range. But the wide range of functions these types of timepieces perform mean a large watch body is necessary—and, for those with smaller wrists (i.e. most women), the watches can be very uncomfortable to wear.
Suunto, a Finnish navigation company and GPS watchmaker, is the first to address the issue of smaller wrists with the introduction of the Suunto Ambit2 S White ($400). Released last fall, this watch is equally functional and ambitious as its larger predecessors. The same as the unisex Ambit2 model in function, it stands out with a stark white case, silver details, and a soft as silk silicone wristband. This is the key—the band is so comfortable, it will wrap securely around even the tiniest wrist, so it can do its job and you can forget it’s there.
The Ambit2 S White boasts a myriad of functions, such as integrated GPS tracking, heart-rate monitor (optional, but well-worth the extra $50 to harness the full worth of the watch), and customizable multi-sport settings. I generally don’t need a lot of motivation to get out and train, but tracking my mileage, elevation gain and loss, and heart rate added an element of fun and interest to my workouts—I was more motivated to beat myself, and work harder, and improve my results.
To mark the women’s-oriented launch, Suunto released two downloadable women’s-specific apps last fall, including Workout Celebration and Workout + Refuel (available on Suunto’s website). Workout + Refuel tracks your workout and recommends the proper ratio of carbs, proteins, and fats for the optimal recovery meal for that workout. The Workout Celebration app reminds us that it is okay to take a break from being so serious all the time—it tracks your workout and tells you when you have worked out hard enough to treat yourself to a glass of champagne.
It’s not a bad deal to have a sleek watch that feels good with a perfect fit, and looks good, motivates, can keep you from getting lost, and suggests the occasional bubbly. All in all, the Ambit2 S White has me entirely sold on its training partner capabilities.
A quick overview of the major useful training functions of the Suunto Ambit2 S White:
Full-featured GPS
Adjustable GPS fix rates (1s, 5s, 60s)
Waypoint and route navigation
Find back
Point of Interest (POI) creation
GPS Altitude
Altitude graph
3D Compass with Declination adjustment
GPS-based speed, pace, and distance
Manual & autolaps
GPS track analysis in
Softwear upgrades
Tracking calories
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