Free Parking

Ladies, pack your duffels. In celebration of the Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. holiday, the National Park Service has lifted admission fees to all of the country’s 397 national parks for the upcoming weekend (January 14-16). This special could save you and your entourage some hard-earned dough considering that entrance fees can run $25 per day per vehicle or hotspots like Grand Canyon NP and Yellowstone NP.
“Dr. King led the fight to realize his dream of a nation free of discrimination, where every citizen was able to enjoy the inalienable rights promised to all Americans,” says National Park Service Director Jonathan B. Jarvis. “Dr. King’s story and those of so many others whose efforts changed our country are preserved in the national parks, places where history happened.”
The National Park Service will also waive admission fees on 14 other days in 2012—National Park Week (April 21-29), Get Outdoors Day (June 9), National Public Lands Day (September 29), and the weekend of Veterans Day (November 10-12).
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