Fitness: Inline Skate Outdoor Workout

Looking for a few exercises to boost your skating fitness—or simply some new moves perfect for an outdoor workout?
Here, K2 Skates shares a few exercises from their Get Inline Fit workout, which turns the great outdoors into your very own gym. For even more fitness-inducing and fun outdoor workout exercises, check out K2 Skates’ full Get Inline Fit program here.
[NOTE: Consult your physician before beginning any new exercise program.]
K2 Skates Outdoor Workout Exercises
1. Single Leg Deadlifts
[Works Glutes, Hamstrings & Inner Thighs]
Stand with feet together and hands just in front of thighs. Lift leg slightly so foot is just off floor. Lower torso forward and downward while raising lifted leg back behind. Keep back straight and knee of supporting leg slightly bent. Keep hip and knee of lifted leg extended throughout movement. Once stretch is felt or hand contact floor, return to original position by raising torso while lowering lifted leg. Straighten knee of supporting leg as torso becomes upright.

Single Leg Deadlift
2. Skater’s Step-Ups
[Works Quadriceps, Calves, Glutes & Core]
Stand facing a bench with hands at hip level. Firmly plant left foot flat on bench and lean chest forward slightly. Step up on left leg and drive right knee up to 90-degree angle. Return to starting position by stepping back with right leg, touch foot back to ground. Be sure to work both legs.

Skater’s Step Up 1

Skater’s Step Up 2
3. Box Jumps
[Works Quadriceps & Calves]
Choose a bench that’s flat and non-slick. Start with feet at hips-width apart and 12-18″ away from bench edge. Lowering the body with a squatted starting position, jump up and forward onto the bench, landing with both feet fully planted on the bench. Step down one foot at a time.

Box Jump Approach

Box Jump Landing
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