Eye Candy: Treble Cone, New Zealand

Despite some supreme late-season snow that re-opened a Western Pennsylvania ski resort this week, it’s pretty much time to say sayonara to ski season this year—unless you’re heading Down Under. This spectacular shot was taken off the back side of Wanaka, New Zealand’s Treble Cone Ski Resort, which is slated to open June 28th.
The photo was shot by pro outdoor photog Scott D W Smith and the skier is his wife, Michelle Clark Smith. What did it take to get this panoramic pic? “After ascending the top lift of the ski area, and taking a short hike with some scrambling over amazing volcanic rock formations, we hit this spot with its outrageously beautiful landscape,” says D W Smith.
“In the distance is Mount Aspiring, one of New Zealand’s most stunning peaks. Very well named. The peak and all the glaciers that surround it are nothing short of true inspiration. Just out of the frame to the right is Lake Wanaka. Right after we shot this image we skied untracked powder down into the valley to the left side of the frame, which then required skinning back up to the ridge where this photo was shot. Round trip of about two hours.”
Photo: Scott D W Smith
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