Urban Green Walls, Coming Clean, and Where the Sea Also Rises

WM’s top eco hits from recent ramblings on the WWW:
Greener Walls = Cleaner Air. The Old World charm of ivy-covered chateau walls is granting a breath of fresh air in modern-day metropolises. As reported by the BBC News, a recent Environmental Science and Technology study found that greening “urban canyon” walls reduces air pollution levels by an impressive 30 percent. If you want to grow grass roots support for urban greening—or just love the aesthetic of cascading flora as much as we do—consider purchasing a preassembled system like LiveWall as described by Treehugger, a singular planter like Wally One as shown on ecomom, or create your own installation like the innovative recycling project conducted by Brazilian design firm Rosenbaum in San Paulo, reported by Treehugger. [Photo: Rosenbaum]
Seas on the Rise. Sea level rise is a major concern in the international climate change discussion, especially as it pertains to the plight of low-lying island nations, as reported by the New York Times. Unexpectedly, a new study by the United States Geological Survey found that some of the fastest-rising tides are much closer to home—the U.S. East Coast. National Geographic reports that sea level rise between Cape Hatteras North Carolina and Boston is three to four times the global average. Luckily, scientists are busy envisioning some pretty radical solutions, also reported by National Geographic. What to do in the meantime? About.com has compiled the Top Ten simple steps we can all take towards a greener (and potentially cooler) world.
Cleaning, Naturally. Full Circle’s Come Clean kit, as seen on Inhabitat, provides all the components, and recipes, to create household cleaners from scratch. The kit seeks to reduce toxic chemical use in the home by relying heavily on nature friendly, safe ingredients such as lemon juice, white vinegar, and water. Or, check out Real Simple for 66 all-natural cleaning solutions using common household ingredients. A squeaky clean house scented by freshly squeezed lemon instead of heady harsh chemicals? We’re in.
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