Reads We Love: The Human Quest

A gorgeous visual tome, this soon-to-be-released book (eBook now available, $14.99) pairs science with art to remind us that we live on a planet in peril. The Human Quest: Prospering Within Planetary Boundaries is a collaborative effort between rock-star, world-leading scientist Johan Rockström and prolific National Geographic photographer Mattias Klum. It also happens to feature a call-to-action foreward by President Bill Clinton.
By taking readers on a graphic journey around our fragile, beautiful, and dramatic world, The Human Quest explores what’s at stake and shows how humankind can still right the vessel from its current course. The time for action? According to Rockström, the next decade will be critical.
“We need to find ways to ‘turn’ these curves away from such global risks,” says Rockström, “and we need to do it now, in what may be the most decisive decade in human history. This book is about deepening the insights of our social-ecological predicament as a source of hope and innovation. We need nothing less than a great transformation of societies in the world, and I believe it is possible.”
The eBook (preview here) also features embedded videos, a cool multimedia feature. Well worth the $14.99 price of admission, it is a stunning eye-opener and an inspiring reminder of our own planetary responsibilities.
PHOTO: (Above) Coral reefs are home to tropical fish like these anthias, also known Fairy Basslet, swimming near Red Sun Coral. Such reef systems generate immense biomass quantities every year, providing more than 250 million people with protein. Reefs are also essential for many otherwise pelagic species. Photo by Matthias Klum.
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