Barefoot and Running: A new website for women

Do you run? If so, then you’re part of a booming movement of women 16.9 million strong. According to the National Sporting Goods Association, there was a 23 percent increase in the number of women who run from 2006 to today.
We understand. Running had never been our bag until we had a child and free time became incredibly precious. Tossing on a pair of runners and hitting the trail behind our house has become our go-to, freedom-finding workout, even on the busiest of days.
If you run then you’ve probably heard of the barefoot movement and Pretty Strong, a new women’s-specific website from Merrell aims to deliver targeted training information, cadence-guiding tunes, and a place to connect with other women.
The site is a fun diversion, easy to navigate, and serves up some excellent info on going barefoot, including a 40-day guide to making the switch. It also offers a curated list of 15 songs culled from the iTunes store that rock out to 180 beats per minute, the suggested natural cadence for barefoot running. Song prices range from 69 cents to $1.29 and artists include Prince, Billy Idol, OutKast, and Alicia Keys.
The site also hosts a motivating video detailing the barefoot journey of four very different Merrell employees. It also includes a buying guide to Merrell barefoot products and an online store.
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