Welcome to WomensMovement.com, an online magazine devoted to women who are passionate about outdoor adventure, in all its incarnations.
Our readers love to paddle, pedal, ski, surf, bend, hike, run, climb, and even fly. They are inspired by travel, new cultures, and the people of the world. They are smart, savvy, and strive to live a more sustainable lifestyle.
With this in mind, WomensMovement.com delivers regular doses of info on the activities you’re passionate about—topics range from inspiring women’s stories to pro training tips. We also cover the latest, most eye-popping sophisticated active style, exotic and attainable adventure travel destinations, healthy (and decidedly decadent) recipes, and brilliant (and essential) eco ideas.
We also torture test and report on the gear you need to do what you love, including everything from cycling, hiking and B.A.S.E. jumping to surfing, skiing, and running.
Who are We?
Simply a group of like-minded adventurers, award-winning editors and writers, prolific journalists, and world travelers. We are cyclists, yogis, skiers, kayakers, runners, climbers, backpackers, mothers, daughters, wives, friends, and protectors of the earth. Learn more about our Contributors here.