Good Eats: Peanut Butter Cups

With one of the biggest candy-fueled holidays on the horizon this week, we started wondering if there was any such thing as a healthy candy treat. To find out more, we checked in with Dr. Keith Kantor, a leading nutritionist, and author of The Green Box League of Nutritious Justice, a healthy eating-focused book for kids and their families that recently won the Mom’s Choice Award.
Here, Dr. Kantor, who is also the CEO of Green Box Foods, shares his knowledge about healthier candy options—and his own favorite candy recipe for Peanut Butter Cups. Why should we as moms (and healthy eaters) try to avoid sugary treats on candy-focused holidays such as Easter?
Dr. Kantor: Sugar in general is the root of most of our health issues including obesity, type 2 diabetes, hypertension, hormone imbalance, inflammation, adrenal fatigue, thyroid issues, and the list goes on. Even if the chronic diseases listed above are not a concern, simply consuming sugar in processed form like a baked good or candy can damage your entire metabolism.
Sugar will cause a spike in insulin levels, and when insulin levels are high your body cannot metabolize fat, which results in weight gain. Another complication of consuming sugar is the crash in energy after the insulin spike wears off, resulting in additional consumption of more sugar and prolonging the body’s inability to burn fat.
WM: Okay, we’re definitely sold on that explanation. What makes certain candy treats healthier options for kids (and adults)?
Dr. Kantor: All candy is not created equal—most of the mainstream candies contain processed ingredients like high fructose corn syrup, hydrogenated oils, or even harmful dyes. Look at the ingredient list and try to at least avoid the above ingredients.
There are a few brands that have specialty Easter candies that only contain all-natural ingredients like Newman’s Own and Annie’s Homegrown, to name a few.
Another option is to make your own candy and treat with unrefined ingredients. Check out the Green Box Foods Blog for some great adult- and kid-friendly recipes.
WM: What is your own favorite healthy Easter candy treat?
Dr. Kantor: These peanut butter or almond butter (or any nut butter) cups are simple to make and the ingredients are high quality compared to mainstream candy in this form.
Peanut Butter Cups
- 3/4 cup of all-natural peanut, almond, or sun butter
- 2 tablespoons local honey
- 1 teaspoon pure vanilla extract
- 1/4 cup of coconut oil or melted organic butter if you are not fond of coconut oil
- 4 ounces of unsweetened chocolate
- 2-4 tablespoons honey
- In a small bowl combine the peanut butter, coconut oil or butter, vanilla, and first 2 tablespoons honey. Mix until well combined.
- Drop by the heaping teaspoon into mini liners in cupcake pans. Place in freezer.
- Chop chocolate into small pieces and place in the top of a double broiler. Mix in the honey. Bring about ¼ of the pot of water to a boil and place the bowl on top. Watch the chocolate carefully so that it doesn’t burn, stirring gently while the chocolate melts. When there are just a few chunks left in the chocolate, take off of the heat and allow it to melt completely.
- Drop by the teaspoon over the peanut butter mixture and place back into the freezer. Freeze for 20 minutes. Take out, keep in the freezer or refrigerator and enjoy.
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April 16th, 2014 at 6:21 am
[…] Dr. Kantor recently shared his ideas for healthier treats for Easter, with […]