Men we Love: Sky Runner Kilian Jornet

What on earth is sky running? For an answer, look no further than the prolific quests of 26-year-old Kílian Jornet, who is redefining adventure by fusing technical mountain climbing with trail running. In 2013, the Catalonian set a new speed record running up and down the Matterhorn in two hours and 52 minutes—22 minutes faster than the previous record holder.
While the sport of sky running, a cross between mountaineering and trail running that involves ascending technical terrain at a runner’s pace, dates back to Italian mountaineer Marino Giacometti’s speed records in the Italian Alps in the early 1990s, Jornet’s unprecedented range of race wins and record-breaking accomplishments in recent years has vaulted the sport into the public eye.
In the past three years alone, Jornet broke the record on the Matterhorn, set a new speed record on Mount Kilimanjaro, and completed a speed ascent and descent of Mont Blanc (an elevation change of 12,378 feet) in 4 hours and 57 minutes. These peaks are part of his four-year Summits of My Life project—Jornet’s attempt at new speed records on the world’s most iconic mountains.
This athlete’s accomplishments and popularity recently won him the title of 2014 People’s Choice National Geographic Adventurer of the Year. Of over 75,000 public votes cast for a a lineup of impressive athletes that also included long-distance swimmer Diana Nyad and skier JP Auclair, Jornet garnered the most.
With an incredible drive and desire to reach new heights, it’s no wonder this prolific athlete has described the desire to compete like the draw of a “hard drug.” Want to learn more about Jornet and his epic passion? Check out his recently released book, Run or Die, in which he writes about the intense beauty of rugged trails and mountain vistas, the drama of racing, and his intense love for sport and the landscapes that surround him.
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