3 Amazing Ways to Recycle Outdoor Gear

Earth Day. We love this glorious time of awareness and appreciation. Which is why we were inspired to discover unique ways to recycle our forlorn outdoor gear.
There are a variety of cool + creative options for responsibly ditching those skis, bike parts, and ill-fitting base layers if you’re looking to clean out your garage. Here are our 3 favorite picks for ways to recycle outdoor gear:
1. Consign It
Outdoor gear exchanges are popping up in mountain towns across the country. They’re basically a consignment shop for the outdoor goods you no longer wish to keep. Sure, you can pop your items up on Craigs List or eBay but why not make your life easy and support a local business instead—one that has the customer base you want to reach with your used gear?
Check your local area listings for options. If none exist, online gear exchange options include Gear Trade, ROG (recycleoutdoorgear.com), and GearX.com.
2. Donate It
A slam dunk for donating still-usable outdoor gear is, of course, the Salvation Army or your local thrift shop run by a charity or the Humane Society. While you won’t make any cold, hard cash for your skis or kayak, you will be able to take a tax deduction for a charitable donation—and you’ll feel all warm and fuzzy inside.
Another feel-good way to donate gear is via Gift Your Gear, an award-winning initiative founded by Sarah Howcroft in the UK. Gift Your Gear, which accepts donations via mail, provides outdoor clothing & equipment to community organizations, youth groups, and charities working with young people in the outdoors.
U.S.-based options for used gear gifting also exist. Outdoor Outreach, a non-profit that aims to connect youth to the transforming power of the outdoors, accepts gear donations of slightly used equipment. Check out their gear donation wish list here.
3. Recycle It
Is your gear too tattered and used to sell or even donate? Get creative and recycle it into your very own gear-inspired art. Here are a few of our favorite creative concepts:
Bike Chain Bowl: Recycle that old chain (after cleaning it thoroughly) into a pneumatic bowl. Inspiration here.
Kayak Recycling Bins: Slice that unusable old vessel in half and you’ve got yourself some snazzy new recycling bins. Inspiration here.
Ski Chandelier: Saw those old planks in half and mount them to some iron rings, complete with lighting ring, to get one of the most unique lighting fixtures around. Inspiration here.
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December 3rd, 2015 at 11:17 am
What if there was a way to give your old gear new life while making money and helping disadvantaged youth?
StokeShare.com is a marketplace that connects people that have gear to people who want to experience outdoor adventure, but don’t want to invest a ton of money in owning their own equipment. We also use the gear listed on the site to provide outdoor excursions and sustainability education to underprivileged youth.
It would be great to chat about how we could work together on a blog!