2 Minutes of Adventure: Astronaut Buzz Aldrin

Titled “The Explorer,” this recently released 2-minute video is a quick study of highly inspirational adventurers. Produced by The North Face and narrated by legendary Apollo 11 astronaut Dr. Buzz Aldrin, this video shares his thoughts on what drives humans to seek out the unknown. According to Dr. Aldrin, “People will always have a desire to explore what they haven’t seen, whether it’s above us, on the surface, or down in the depths of the ocean.”
“The Explorer” short features a myriad of footage of expeditions and exploration, including mountaineers ascending Mt. Everest and Mt. Meru, children playing outdoors, snowboarding in Antarctica, and Amelia Earhart. It culminates with Aldrin’s famous quote from on-board Apollo 11 on July 24, 1969, “We feel that this stands as a symbol of the insatiable curiosity of all mankind to explore the unknown.” Amen to that.
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